Montag, 18. August 2008

Ich WILL Sommerferien!

Wenn man mit Pädagogen befreundet oder verwandt ist, kann man ganz neidisch werden, dass sie 10 Wochen Sommerferien haben....
Ich will auch!
(Vor allem wenn es so ein Bilderbuchsommertag ist wie heute!)

1 Kommentar:

Juliette hat gesagt…

if it helps, Stefan only gets 6 weeks of summer ferien, not 10, and the whole last week is spent in and out of school meetings and doing preparation.

the other bad thing is that you only get vacation when every kid/family does, meaning no matter what you do you pay High Season rates and deal with High Season traffic/swarms of people.

US teachers earn so little that many have to find a summer job during their summers.

there, does that help?!?! :)